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2004/06/14 |
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Sing Together with the Handicapped

QI.What motivated you to help thehandicapped with music?
AI.When I studied in Germany,I was avoIunteer at a child welfare center.
I escortedeighteen handicapped children ftorn Germanyto France.
When the children met theiradoptive parents,
the parents seem to bemoved deeply.
It makes an unforgettableimpression on me.
I felt that they really lovedtheir adoptive children though the children were handicapped.The parents didn¡¯t have adistorted view about the handicapped.ARer Isaw them,I thought about how I could changethe distorted views about the handicapped.Especially,I wanted to help handicappedchildren with music because it was SOdifficult for them to
eII Oy music.
So I set towork to make the musical scores in brailleand the words in finger language.
Q2.What aIe the hardships ofyour work?
A2.In Korea,few people can translatemusical notes into braille.In my case,I amgetting help tiofn one ofthen1,Jung Joo-hwa.It is also hard to change children¡¯s songs tofinger sign language.Most people don¡¯t h10WbrailIe or finger sign language,SO they firsthave to learn these things.In addition,thereare many adjectives in children¡¯s songs.These aIe difflcult to represent in finger sig1s.
Q3.I knew that you run an educationalinstitution,¡®village of Children¡¯s Song.¡¯What kind ofthings does the institution do?
A3.Many people prepare various music teaching materials for the handicapped.Forexample,they make braille scores for peoplewho have lost their eyesight and they researchhow to help the handicapped to enjoy music.The teaching aids and their efforts help thehandicapped to learn about music.
Q4.When do you feel your work isworthwhile?
A4.When the handicapped enjoy music withus,I think that my efforts aren¡¯t in vain.Ithink that a physical disability is not aproblem that prevents them from enjoyingand feeling music.Just the handicapped needpeople who can teach them music and enjoy itwith mem.It is my pleasure that I can do thework.Besides,¡®INORE¡¯holds a musicaIcontest tWIce a year.Some blind children andan autistic child have participated in thecontest.Whenever I watch them,they lookproud and I feel happy.
Q5.What is your plan to involve more peoplein your work?
A5.It needs the efforts of many people tomake braille scores but most people don¡¯twant to work without any reward.I have aplan to organize a supporters¡¯association formaking braine scores.Also,I intend toorganize a provincial performance of thehandicapped.Through this,I want to showeveryone that the handicapped can enjoymusic like normal people.
BY Seo Sun-hwa,Reporter of campus Desksugemery@Pusan.ac.kr